John Blythe Child Psychology is dedicated to our community, we offer both telehealth appointments and face-to-face appointments.
You will need an appropriate referral from a GP, in order for us to provide you with a medicare rebate.
If you have any questions please contact our staff on (02) 9622 9610
Please Be Advised
If you or someone you have been in contact with in the last 14 days have experienced flu like symptoms or high temperatures DO NOT attend the clinic in person.
Please call ahead to reschedule for a Tele-Health Appointment.
Attending Your TeleHealth Session
When you book a Telehealth appointment you will receive an E-mail from your clinician before the session time. Depending on the session you may be using 'Power Diary' OR 'Microsoft Teams'
You can Find Instruction on how to join the session for both programs below.
Please follow the steps below