Professional development services
Professional Development for Educators & Other Professionals
John Blythe conducts a select number private training seminars / group professional development services each year. Each seminar or PD workshop is designed to provide up to date information and practical advice for the participants. There are seminars for parents, educators, and other psychologists / mental health professionals. Example seminars for educators and other professionals are as follows:
Introduction to
This workshop provides those working with children, adolescents and families a bird's eye view of emerging changes to the way four common childhood disorders are being understood diagnosed and treated.
1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
2. Autism Spectrum Disorder
3. Oppositional Defiant & Conduct Disorders
4. Attachment Disorders in Maltreated Children
This seminar presents an overview of the diagnostic requirements for ODD, how the disorder typically presents, and introduces some effective strategies for managing it in the school setting.


This seminar presents an overview of the diagnostic requirements for ADHD, how the disorder typically presents, and introduces some effective strategies for managing it in the school setting.
This seminar presents an overview of the changing diagnostic requirements for ASD, how the disorder typically presents, and introduces some effective strategies for managing it in the school setting.

To enquire into booking John Blythe as a speaker for your next conference or event, please contact JBCP at (02) 9622 9610 or via email to
Please note: Other focus topics can be developed for the needs of specific parent/carer groups and conferences.
In addition, to private training seminars / group professional development services. There are a select number of external individual supervision places available each year. Please enquire regarding availability with our friendly team on (02) 9622 9610 or via email to
John's recent conference & clinical presentations include:
Blythe, J. M. (2017). DSM-5 Differential Diagnosis in Child and Adolescent Psychology. 20-Hour Clinical Seminar (In process for CPD presentations in 2017)
Blythe, J. M. (2013-2016). Advanced Practice in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. 20-Hour Clinical Seminar (APS College Endorsed: CCLIN, CCN, CEDP). Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide.
Blythe, J. M. (2012). Towards Healing the Damage: Understanding & treating attachment disorders for children in foster care. Invited Conference Keynote: Connecting Foster Carers – SA, Adelaide, South Australia.
Blythe, J. M. (2012). Non-Suicidal Self-Injury. Clinical Seminar: Australian Guidance & Counsellors Association.
Blythe, J. M. (2012). Assessment & Screening tools in adolescent psychological practice. Workshop: CEO Secondary School Counsellors, Parramatta.
Blythe, J. M. (2012). Classroom Strategies for ADHD and ODD students. Workshop: Hills Grammar School, Sydney.
Blythe, J. M. (2012). Classroom Strategies for managing children with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). Workshop: CEO School Psychologists. Maitland-Newcastle Diocese.
Blythe, J. M. (2010-12). Towards the Future: Clinical and Research evidence for changes to child-adolescent nosology in DSM-5. 12-Hour Clinical Seminar (APS College Endorsed: CCLIN, CCN, CEDP). Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide.
Blythe, J. M. (2011). Proposed changes to Autism Spectrum Disorder in DSM-5. Workshop: Secondary School Counsellors, Western Sydney.
Blythe, J. M. (2011). Introduction to Developmental Disorders (ADHD, ODD, RAD, ASD). Workshop: Brighter Futures, Hunter & Central Coast.
Blythe, J. M. (2011). New diagnoses proposed for DSM-5 (child and adolescent population). Invited Conference Presentation: Secondary Counsellors and Psychologists Conference, Melbourne.
Blythe, J. M. (2011). What works with Developmental Disorders? Invited Conference Keynote Speaker: Early Childhood Intervention Coordination Program (ECICP). Newcastle & Central Coast.
Blythe, J. M. (2011). Primary Practice: How DSM5 Provide Tools That Help! Invited Conference Speaker. Western Sydney Primary Health Care Conference 2011.